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East Midlands, West Midlands and UK

Time for a change?

Well, this is it! For the first time in more than a decade, a Labour government is leading the UK. Whether it’s the result you had been hoping for or not, the impacts of this change will undoubtedly follow for both the positive and negative, regardless of your political leaning.… Read more

Snap Decisions, and not the card game “snap”.

We’ve all been known to do it. A last minute impulse buy, a snap judgement, a sudden change of heart… essentially, a hastily-made decision that can sometimes take those around us – and even ourselves – by surprise. Rarely though do those decisions potentially change the course of our country’s … Read more

Tradition, Meet Modernity.

My eldest recently returned from a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ trip to China with some university pals, during which she spent 10 days between Shanghai and Beijing. As I understand it, it was a fantastic holiday in which many, many dumplings were consumed, many memories were made, and even more laughs were had.… Read more

30 Years of Sarah T!

This week, we cast our minds back 30 years – sounds like a long time ago, but when I think back to what was going on at the time, it feels remarkably recent!

Let me refresh your memory: the year is 1994, a year of political change and economic growth … Read more

No Quitters Here.

That time of year has been and gone again. The signs were all there, predominantly in the form of runners and joggers up and down the country, taking on increasingly impressive distances in the months and weeks leading up to April. Its marathon season.

The highest profile one in the … Read more

Good, Friendly Competition.

There have already been some big wins in the first quarter of the year – wherever your interests might lie.

In the world of sport, we have just witnessed Ireland once again win the Six Nations tournament (though, I hasten to remind readers, they were thwarted in taking the Grand … Read more

Small Changes, Big Differences.

In an exciting news update from the Abraham household, spring cleaning season has kicked in and with it, a chance to make some adjustments that we hope will transform our home ready for the warmer months.

Like many of us, when our other halves announce they have ‘plans’ for the … Read more

Happy New Year!

Or, more specifically, Happy Lunar New Year (apologies to any readers who might have panicked that we were still battling through January for a second there)!

Also referred to as Chinese New Year, the Lunar New Year lands between late January and early February due to its connections to the … Read more