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Transformation and Change

I recently enjoyed an informative and entertaining speech by the BBC broadcaster Trevor Dann at Nottingham High School. His topic of change but with consistency in your core skills and traits resonated with me as we enter the Autumn. Autumn is a season where stark and beautiful change is most evident. Particularly, this year I expect given the splendid summer we have enjoyed weather wise.

So as September rolls around again, we shake off those post-summer blues and gear up once again for the long haul of productivity and the regular 9 to 5. A lot of changes happen during this month, and it often signals new beginnings. For children and parents, it’s the excitement of the first day of school, or even the exciting new move to a new city as the adventure of university begins. In our own household, we have children moving from education to careers, moving from home to abroad, and although it often can feel quite daunting, the anticipation of the new outweighs it much more; much like the next step in your career be it a promotion or new role.

What is often the most interesting to witness during such a period of transition is the way in which people take on the challenge, and how they succeed. With very few exceptions, these times of change are the making of people, and it is fascinating to observe how they transform.

Change is necessary. Without it, it would be impossible to progress, evolve and achieve our goals, career or otherwise. Even those changes that we may not consider at the time to be entirely positive, force us to grow in order to overcome them. Eventually, even the ‘negative’ changes become positive because we have to adapt and adjust, and in fact, are vital to our transformations in life.

So, as we enter September, it is important to embrace whatever changes we take on, whether big or small and enjoy the opportunities to see how we grow as a result of these changes, particularly in our careers. We here at ABPM are awaiting your call to support you and challenge your thinking on careers and finance teams.

Rej Abraham Managing Director