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Snap Decisions, and not the card game “snap”.

We’ve all been known to do it. A last minute impulse buy, a snap judgement, a sudden change of heart… essentially, a hastily-made decision that can sometimes take those around us – and even ourselves – by surprise. Rarely though do those decisions potentially change the course of our country’s history for you and I.

You need to have been off the planet in the past few weeks, to not be aware that snap elections are all the rage at the moment. Just as the dust has settled on Sunak’s announcement, French President Macron has jumped on the bandwagon and announced a snap election for his own country. In both cases, the leaders have surprised many, which many have questioned the timing and motive, but will either way have a significant impact.

I’m not trying to suggest that these two decisions bear full comparison to a last-minute impulse buy in a weekly supermarket shop – but in the grand perspective of all things political, it does seem hasty. In a world where every step is thought through tactically and strategically before being placed (in theory), both leaders’ sudden calls for a snap election do feel pretty impulsive. Moreover, while insight into the decision processes of our nations’ leaders are perhaps thankfully inaccessible, the surprise of those political pundits around them suggests they were perhaps a little less planned than most decisions.

But, do all decisions require masses of planning? When we consider our careers, it is almost second nature to overthink each and every step, but when it comes down to the final decisions required for moving along our career paths, maybe it’s a question of thinking less and acting faster. In some cases, this might be easy – a higher salary or a location closer to home makes a decision snappier. Often, though, it’s not so easy when the pros and cons balance out, and it comes down to gut instinct – an often reliable indicator in my opinion, and one that we can often rely on to help us make those snap decisions.

When you do require some help making those decisions, it is often useful to have a team of experts to help. That’s where ABPM+ comes in. Contact us today to find out how.


Rej Abraham, Sarah Torrington, Matt Byrne, Alex Handford