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The sun has got its hat on!

Perhaps it is these recent gloriously sunny days that have sent the country into a dizzying spin of positivity, maybe it’s the fact the football does indeed seem that it may in fact be coming home, or even (as in the case of those aged below 25 in our household) that Love Island contestants, Jack and Dani, are thriving (or so I’m told). Whatever the cause, summer 2018 seems to be awash with good vibes. What could possibly deter the British people as we head into another month of summer sunshine?

The answer: the good old day job. Sure, it may be all smiles and vitamin D-fuelled energy, but we must all admit to ruing the near 30-degree sunshine as we stare out the window from our desks, when the hot weather has that lethargic effect which makes the people of Britain think there must be a better life such as pouring and enjoying a gin and tonic on the garden terrace.

Despite our best wishes, however, the working world does not stop for a heatwave (although the lunch breaks may ‘accidentally’ overrun as we soak up those extra few minutes of sunshine). So instead of wallowing in self-pity that we are not able to sunbathe all day long, may I provide three top tips to help stay motivated in the office, rather than staring enviously out the window at children enjoying their summer holidays.

Firstly, stay hydrated to stay awake. Plenty of water is vital of course, but pack in vitamins with a glass of juice, or better yet, some fruit infused water, that is hydrating and delicious, providing you with the energy to fuel you throughout the day. Secondly, although we may enjoy a quick sunbathe during a lunch break, don’t let yourself fall asleep in the hot sun. There is nothing worse than having to rouse yourself to return to work, and your afternoon’s work will seem like the most laborious task you have ever faced. Finally, if possible, walk to work. If it’s too far, walk some of the way, then take public transport the rest of the way. Not only will the environment and your wallet thank you, even a walk will send endorphins pumping around your body and set you for the day. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy the weather, and not when it is at its most uncomfortably hot.

I do hope that these few ideas will keep you motivated and energised in your career, even on the most glorious of summer days. We will certainly be giving them a go in the ABPM office, and making sure we are always ready to welcome you and help you progress along your career path!

Rej Abraham Managing Director