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All Change!

It’s an interesting time in the Abraham household, with a great deal of change happening for us! My eldest recently embarked on a new career after nearly three years in her previous role; my son has moved out of the family home and is learning all about the joys of renting; my youngest has taken the next step and is beginning a PhD; and Mabel the dog has (most impressively, I’m sure you’ll agree) graduated to the third stage of her puppy training!

Fortunately for myself, I am very much in the industry of change. Recruitment is about facilitating the next step for those seeking a change in role, responsibilities or industry. For a company, recruitment is a tool to introduce new talent and ideas into a business which aims to engineer positive changes.

So, what advice would I offer to my brood as they manoeuvre these periods of transformation in their lives?

First, would be to embrace the fear. Any change, and whatever level of the unknown that may accompany it, can be stressful and prompt some nerves, regardless of our age or experience. The key is not to shy away from those nerves, but rather to channel them into excitement and anticipation – emotions which are famously close to nervousness. Using that energy and turning it into something positive puts you back in control of the situation, enabling you to take that next step with confidence.

My second piece of advice would be to prepare as much as you can before you take that next step – but also recognise that you’ll learn a lot as you go too. A lot of the fear associated with these changes comes from the unknown, so learning as much as you can about a new role or area is a good way to alleviate some of those concerns. However, don’t put pressure on yourself to have it all “sussed” before you’ve even begun – half the fun is figuring it out as you go!

My final advice would be to be ready to adapt to that change. Firstly, that feeling of being the newbie and the adjustment to it will fade as you settle in but seek out the differences on offer to either learn or challenge with your own experiences. In the unlikely event, you find that the new is not as you anticipated, be ready to see what the alternative opportunity presents to you. You are still in control of that situation and ultimately, the changes you make have to be right for you first and foremost!

Any period of change, particularly within our careers, often benefits from expert advice from others. We here at ABPM+ consider ourselves experts in providing you with that advice as you navigate the changes and transformations of a career journey. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.


Rej Abraham, Sarah Torrington, Matt Byrne, Alex Handford